Friends of the Chevy Chase Library

40th  Anniversary Celebration

8005 Connecticut Avenue Chevy Chase, MD 20815





Since the opening of the Chevy Chase Library in 1965, the nature of library collections has changed greatly, therefore this Fortieth Birthday Essay Contest will encompass more than one kind of media.  The graphic novel Maus won a Pulitzer Prize in 1992; digital cameras abound; it is as easy as a click of the mouse to transmit data to any person with email anywhere on the planet or from the worlds largest easily accessed pool of information--the Internet.


The competition topic is Libraries.  The Contest is open to anyone who uses Montgomery County Public Libraries.  Entries can be written essays, photo essays, drawings, cartoons or comic book panels.  The contest will begin on June 16, 2005; the NEW deadline for submitting entries is SEPTEMBER 1, 2005.  Winners will be announced at the Chevy Chase Library on Family Fun Day-- September 17, 2005 and presented as part of the Read-a-Thon on October 22nd.  All submissions must be the original work of the entrant.  Submissions can be made at the Chevy Chase Library or by postal service or by email.


The dimensions for original drawings, paintings or printed submissions should not exceed eight and one half by eleven inches.  Use a normal, readable font, please.  Artwork can be submitted on CD (use the jpeg format).  Except for electronic entries all entries must be originals, no photocopies.  All submissions must have name, age, division (see below), address, phone number, email address (if available).  Entrants are advised to keep a copy of their submissions for their own records.


Entries will be judged for originality, creativity and inspirational value.  Judges and their immediate families are barred from entering the competition.  Prizes may not be awarded for all categories.  The judges may eliminate or combine categories at their discretion.  Judges may add a third prize or an honorable mention in any division or category if they deem it appropriate.  Judges may award a Grand Prize if they feel one is warranted.  Decision of the judges is final and all entries become the property of the Chevy Chase Friends of the Library (FOL).  The FOL may make a scrapbook with the entries for the Birthday Celebration.





Under 7

8 - 10

11 - 14

14 - 18



Visual arts--

drawing, painting, photo essay, cartoon or comic panels

Written arts--

prose or poem


Written entries-- not more than 500 words

Visual entries--

Photo essay

No more than six photos, four by six inches each

All other artwork--

Eight and one half by eleven inches




How to enter:

Submit entry online by emailing entry to:


Mail entry to:

Essay Contest

Chevy Chase Library

8005 Connecticut Ave.

Chevy Chase, MD  20815


Leave entry in the box at the Circulation Desk

  • 2005 Chevy Chase Library Essay Contest Flyer


    If you have any questions send them to:
