Meeting with Council Members

Stay on Message

Stay Focused

Bring Handouts
Leave something behind that conveys the gist of your presentation to the Councilmember or staffer. This serves as a reminder of your talking points and can also give more depth to topics that you didn't have time to elaborate on.

Other Bits:
Convey, if you can, a willingness to bear the tax burden for library service; a willingness to see the Council override the tax cap, if need be. It is easier to justify going all out for something that a wide base of the community supports money-wise.

Final spending affordability guidelines come up before the end of April, after the State budget is set. Try to act before this, if possible. It gives the Council an idea of what is important to the community, i.e. where they should spend.

Compiled and prepared by Paulette Dickerson v.19Ap09