Contacting Councilmembers in Montgomery County, MD

Know which district your Library Advisory Committee (LAC) or Friends of the Library (FOL) is in.

The Rockville Library might be appropriate for every one of the Councilmembers since it is near where they work. Though sited at the Rockville Library, the Disability Resources Collection is also a systemwide service as is the Children's Resource Center (a caregiver centered service). Mobile Services (sited at the Silver Spring Library), the Montgomery County Correctional Facility Library and the Noyes Library for Young Children are other “county” centered services.

Some Advocacy Protocols

Always include your name, address, phone number and email address, even in emails

Here is a Montgomery County Council webpage with email addresses, etc:
Click on County Council

When you send email to the Council President at:
CC to the At-Large Councilmembers and to your District Councilmember:

When you send emails to your District Councilmember:
Also CC to all At-Large Councilmembers:

Webpage with email addresses, etc:
Click on County Council

CC your email to all interested parties. Mail that goes to the Council President is not always copied to everyone. The rest of the Council gets a tally sheet which says which issues and how many items were received.

Compiled and prepared by Paulette Dickerson v.19Ap09